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Bihar Gram Swaraj Yojna Society
Panchayati Raj Department
PD Message
List Of Chairman
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Current Tenders
i. To improve the policy and administrative environment to enable the PRI functions and strengthen their autonomy.
ii. To improve PRI Governance capacity, to formulate plans to implement Government Schemes and undertake discretionary development initiatives that are responsive Community needs.
iii. To build awareness of PRI responsibilities and stimulate demand for inclusive and to accountable PRI Governance.
iv. To engage facilitators /Trainers /Private and Public Institutions /Civil Society Organizations/ PRI Reform advocates for Capacity building programmes for PRIS.
v. To build requisite infrastructure in Panchayats to enhance Governance, Accountability and Transparency.
vi. To function as Resource Center for Panchayati Raj Department in Policy analysis and Policy development - including development of operational guidelines.
vii. To act as HR Agency and provide services related to developing and operationalizing the HR policy covering placement, training, handling contracts of all contractual and outsource employees of Panchayati Raj Department.
viii. For the purposes of the society, hire staff including outsourcing and provision of human resources to other agencies working in partnership with the society to promote the objects of thesociety/department/Government of Bihar.
ix. To provide capacity building and institution building (CB & IB) support covering setting up and strengthening the SPRC, DPRC and BPRC for managing these institutions, develop capacity building plans and monitor their implementation, foster collaborations with NGO/CSO for anchoring these institutions, provide need base CB inputs at regular intervals.
x. To serve as a knowledge center for Panchayati Raj Department in the state along with other similar institutions, data center and contribute to the development and dissemination of practical know-how in the Panchayati Raj field.
xi. To raise funds by way of grants, budgetary allocations, donations and investments, utilize and manage fund in accordance with the approved norm of granting agency and/or of the General Body of the society.
xii. To function as resource center in all aspects of providing infrastructure, development, asset, manpower, IT, M&E, CB, IEC for Panchayati Raj Department/State Government.
xiii. To function as resource center/data center for financial management of PRD in terms of Banking Cell etc.
xiv. To serve as a Center for facilitatingcommunication across all PRIs.